3/15/2012...An Update. A Disclosure.
I know miniscule about Italy. Dabble in pockets of its mystery. And write to remember. I am pulled to, enticed by, long for it and things Italian...small and large...and breathable. The people, their language, the texture, the jewel tones of the culture, the sumptuous food, the accumulated centuries of tradition, passion, and Life -- they all nurture me, mesmerize me when I am there.

For a short time (and at the time I began this blog), I was drawn into an adventure with imported
Italian pottery, but could not persist. However, The Blog continues & exists as a bit of a playground for me. A place to play, to capture my explorations and the riot of colors, the intricacies of Italy, the artistry of Italian design, the sheer joy of Celebrating Life every day. I've neither a planned destination nor a schedule. It's the Journey that draws me. I welcome your company, yet ask you to understand, I do this for me.

Oct 8, 2011

Hand Painted Lemons - Bold & Luscious - Favorite Italian Ceramics Theme.

A design called Frutta
Do you know that lemons show up in Pompeian wall paintings? The Italians have been cultivating them since ancient Roman times if not earlier.  No wonder lemons are so prominent in Italian pottery designs today.  Tradition!  We present many collections at My Italian Pottery that beautifully capture this special frutta..  In some they are the star of the show; in others they share the "canvas" with other yummy fruits.
Frutta Mista Design
Alcantara Design

Limone Design

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